Il vlogging è considerato la nuova normalità. La parola "Vlog" è stata neologizzata nell'anno 2000, che significa video blog o video log, e nel 2021 è ormai ovunque. La maggior parte delle persone sta vloggando in questi giorni e tutti aspirano al loro vlog per diventare la prossima grande novità. Che tu sia solo ora impegnato nel vlogging o che lo stia già realizzando, è essenziale identificare che la tua storia è importante. Se visiti YouTube nel 2021, puoi visualizzare rapidamente un lungo elenco di influencer, streamer e persone comuni e normali che hanno molti contenuti video condivisi con il mondo online.
Tutti questi vlogger hanno, in generale, migliaia e, in alcuni casi, persino milioni di abbonati. E mentre questo è eccellente per personaggi pubblici e influencer, questi numeri apparentemente ti hanno fatto iniziare a chiederti come creare anche tu una community di vlog di dimensioni simili su YouTube o su un altro canale, con altrettanti iscritti, Mi piace, commenti e fama complessiva.
Prima di continuare, cerchiamo di capire meglio cos'è Vlog.
Cos'è un Vlog?
Un vlog si distingue come un video che documenta l'esperienza o la competenza di un individuo, con una durata normale di circa cinque minuti. Il termine "vlog" è una combinazione di "video" e "blog". In linea di principio, è solo una variante dell'immagine d'azione del tipo di contenuto che potresti aspettarti di trovare su un blog tradizionale. I vlog sono progettati per relazionarsi con un pubblico attraverso concetti e background condivisi.
La distinzione centrale tra vlog e altri contenuti video è che il vlogger è il punto principale del suo contenuto. Ad esempio, un vlog di viaggio ruota attraverso le attività e i pensieri del creatore, registrati sullo schermo o da una voce fuori campo. Al contrario, un video di viaggio si concentra principalmente sulla destinazione, generalmente da un punto di vista esterno.
Esistono due forme principali di vlogging, "testa parlante" e "seguimi". Nei video "testa parlante", la videocamera è posizionata su un treppiede e resta statica mentre il vlogger parla di un argomento o guida il pubblico all'interno di un processi. Esempi tipici di questa varietà di vlog coprono tutorial sul trucco, salute e fitness e video di cucina. Nel frattempo, i vlog "seguimi in giro" intervistano gli autori in varie località mentre girano clip durante la loro giornata. Questo metodo di vlogging è prevalente per i video di viaggio e applicato ai vlog "a day in the life".
L'emergere dei vlogger superstar
È semplice concentrarsi sul lato dettagliato di YouTube che spesso notiamo nei media:
- Gli utenti di YouTube arrivano con offerte di libri e lo inseriscono nell'elenco dei bestseller.
- YouTuber che promuovono corsi nei viaggi nazionali.
- Gli YouTuber guadagnano entrate a sei cifre esclusivamente dalla pubblicità pre-roll, per non parlare di tutte le sponsorizzazioni aziendali e i guadagni di merchandising.
But for each member of the YouTube aristocracy, there are countless more content creators patiently filming and uploading to a more realistically sized audience. If popularity and fortune are your sole reasons for wanting to start a vlog, you’re establishing yourself up for frustration. Only about 4,000 channels out of the millions that are created on YouTube have over 1 million subscribers. But the exceptional quality of vlogging is that you don’t require a million subscribers to provide and get a lot of importance in your videos.
The advantage of YouTube is that anyone can begin. Whether you’re someone who totally desires to share their life with others or a business owner requiring to engage with your audience on a more personal level, YouTube is an ideal place to do so. While it may seem easy, establishing your channel and developing an audience takes time and a lot of commitment. In this step-by-step guide, we’re continuing to provide you the tools and know-how to start your vlog and begin gaining subscribers.

1. The Significance of Understanding Your Audience
Once you have obtained your niche, you must study more about who your audience is and what they’ll prefer. YouTube is an engaging platform, and you’re operating to get a broad type of video form. The identical entertainment and flouncy video technique that beauty vloggers use will not skip it if your target audience is essentially middle-aged professionals. To boost your possibilities of success, you have to provide your content to your audience.
2. Take Some Vlogging Inspiration
When you start your channel, you can stand on the shoulders of giants. Why not get a bit of motivation from them? Have a look at all of your favorite vloggers and check out some famous channels that are associated with your niche. The purpose of getting influence is not to become a copy of another YouTuber. Viewers see for originality. They desire a different take on the things they adore.
3. Learn Yourself With the Platform
One of the most significant errors you can make is not knowing how YouTube operates. There are thousands of cases of this on the platform. Big-name businesses generate tone-deaf content all the time, considering that it will be a favorite with audiences. But, their absence of knowledge on the platform is common as day. Finally, those videos end up becoming forgotten in the shuffle and not recognizing any progress. Allocate some time familiarizing yourself with how YouTube runs. Utilize the search engine and understand what sorts of titles come up. Search at channel pages, thumbnails, and keywords. When you’re viewing videos, consider how your favorite vloggers are advancing other videos through interactive links or subtitles.
4. Create Your YouTube Channel and Brand Yourself
It’s time to devise your YouTube channel. Building a channel is very straightforward to do and won’t require you a dime. If you have ever followed another vlogger’s channel or written comments under a video, you presumably already have one. Each user has the chance to upload videos, so all user names are connected to a channel.
5. Invest in Good Gear
It’s a widespread misunderstanding that you have to pay thousands of dollars on a high-end video camera. Several flourishing YouTubers indeed utilize gear that matches what professional filmmakers have. But they didn’t begin off that way. With the present’s technology, you can produce some excellent videos with your smartphone. New mobile devices are capable of shooting up to 4K video quality. Most viewers will only be attending in 1080p or lower resolutions so that device in your pocket should be just well-made.
6. Build an Outline
After all the basic things are set up and ready to work, it’s time to outline. It can be as challenging or simple as you want it to be. You don’t have to write out a complete script. It is not recommended. Some of the best YouTube videos were created on the fly. Reading from a script will only execute if you seem unauthentic and dull.

7. Start Shooting Your Video Content
After all the setup, you are now ready to create content. It is often the most challenging step in the method. Notwithstanding all of the arrangements, several would-be vloggers become nervous when it’s time to beat that record button. If you require your own vlog to be flourishing, you have to begin somewhere. Utilize your framework to build your first vlog. Just ease and be yourself. YouTube users compensate for authenticity. They favor it when vloggers are straightforward, easy, and having fun.
8. Devote Time to Edit
Video editing is one of the essential components of producing a great video. Some vlog channels have begun empires based on peculiar editing alone. You don’t have to get up with a groundbreaking editing technique to be thriving. But, you are required to ensure that things are clean and professional-looking. There are many video editing software choices on the market. While you can go all out and spend in Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere Pro, you can also make a lot done with free apps on your Windows or Mac. For adding Subtitles and Captions, you can use auto video subtitle generators like SubtitleBee because on-screen text can advance your content reaching a broader audience. You can even get away using Windows Movie Maker or iMovie on your computer to make easy cuts. There are some excellent iPhone and Android apps that you can benefit from if you recorded them on your smartphone.
9. Upload Your Content and Optimize
Uploading your newly captured video to your channel is very easy. Though, it may take some time, depending on the resolution and overall file capacity. As you arrange for the video to upload and represent, you can begin optimizing it to guarantee that it’s seen. There are various methods that you can do. YouTube is, basically, an extensive search engine that gives way to millions of videos. You can negotiate your video like a webpage and make search engine optimization methods to boost your exposure.
10. Captivate Your Audience and Utilize Social Media
If you optimized your free video properly, you should begin noticing some views pop up. Don’t anticipate seeing a heavy influx of viewers. YouTube is all regarding sluggish growth and persistence. To make those viewers come back for future content, retain them engaged. Reply to comments and interact with your audience. Don’t take critique subjectively.
11. Utilize Analytics to Monitor Your Channel
The excellent point about the YouTube Creator Studio is that you’re provided access to vital analytics data. As your channel increases, you can apply this information to modify your content respectively. There are several kinds of data available for you to view. You can get to learn about where your viewers are located, their age, and more.

12. Build Your Brand
Various new YouTubers have a bunch of questions about when they can begin monetizing their channels. YouTube has shifted its policies relatively a little in recent years. At present, you have to have at most limited 4,000 watch hours and 1,000 subscribers to become a Google AdSense associate. Once you’ve caught that milestone, YouTube will evaluate your channel. If you’re accepted for the program, you can begin showing ads before your videos to get some income. Google will give you a definite amount of money based on viewership and responses.
As a finale, it’s essential to recognize that your story values. Video is one of the best modern forms for enduring memories and expressing your story. A vlog can achieve what no other platform can like. It can take movement, audio, and visuals that truly take you back to the time in which the story has initially been being told at that moment. Recollection consistency is vital in the development of who you are and what makes you. The more we age, the more we start to understand that our own memory is not guaranteed. As you find millions of important stories in your lifetime, you begin to realise that not everything waits behind you for you to cherish, but each moment is critical and warrants a moment to shine. Our stories really matter, so concentrate on seizing all moments, big and small, vital and seemingly not, because these are the times that make up our life’s story.