Con numerosi video educativi di qualità, YouTube è diventata la piattaforma preferita per l'apprendimento scolastico e universitario. E negli ultimi anni, molti insegnanti hanno colto l'occasione e hanno creato un canale di apprendimento.
Il risultato è che ora chiunque può apprendere nuove conoscenze e competenze gratuitamente, con insegnanti coinvolgenti e di alta qualità.
Ma non è facile trovare i migliori nel loro campo. Quindi ecco una selezione di 24 insegnanti eccezionali che ti insegneranno tutto su scienze, musica, storia o lingua.
I migliori insegnanti di matematica e scienze
TecMath:la matematica è davvero facile
Il talento di Tecmath è quello di rendere complicati concetti e problemi matematici in un linguaggio chiaro e preciso. Con l'aiuto di un semplice disegno, fornisce ai suoi studenti passo dopo passo l'approccio metodologico e i trucchi da seguire. Sostituirà facilmente il tuo insegnante di matematica se hai difficoltà a casa!
Walter Lewin – Affascinante insegnante di fisica
Se c'è una cosa da dire su Walter Lewin, è che è un insegnante di fisica che non lascia nessuno indifferente. Che si tratti di lezioni dinamiche o esperimenti originali, Lewin ti insegnerà le leggi fondamentali della fisica con eloquenza. Niente di meglio per ottenere un vantaggio sul tuo curriculum di fisica!
Tyler DeWitt – Insegnante di chimica intuitiva
Tyler De Witt è l'insegnante di chimica che hai sempre desiderato. Con pazienza e attenzione ai dettagli, spiegherà come risolvere le equazioni dei problemi chimici. Basta seguire queste istruzioni per comprendere la complessità delle formulazioni chimiche.
Hussain Biology – Life Science reso semplice
Hussain Biology fornisce una spiegazione visiva di come funziona la vita con i suoi precisi diagrammi di disegno. Le sue spiegazioni sono accessibili a qualsiasi studente che cerchi una visione globale del proprio corso di biologia. Se hai bisogno di ulteriori chiarimenti, dovresti davvero dare un'occhiata!
Dott. Najeeb – Classi mediche complete
Il dottor Najeeb è il salvatore degli studenti di medicina in difficoltà. Con grande accuratezza, fornisce istruzioni complete e accurate sulle varie malattie e strutture del corpo umano. Usando un semplice grafico, i suoi diagrammi illumineranno la tua mente.
Dott. Ali Mattu – Lezioni di psicologia accessibili
Che si tratti di studenti di psicologia, pazienti o chiunque altro, i consigli e le lezioni offerte dal Dr. Ali Mattu sono sempre molto illuminanti e utili. Riesce a rendere accessibile la pratica psicologica con video ricchi di buone referenze e di grande energia. Questo è il miglior canale YouTube per entrare nella testa di uno psicologo professionista.
Jacob Clifford – Fondamenti di economia per tutti
È un eufemismo dire che Jacob Clifford dedica tutte le sue energie per aiutare gli studenti di economia ad avere successo. Con i suoi video facili e veloci che riassumono i concetti chiave dell'economia, le tue lezioni di economia ti rimarranno in testa per molto tempo. Clifford ti offre informazioni utili sulle tue revisioni e ha un tono dinamico e rinfrescante.
Miglior insegnante di programmazione
Derek Banas – Insegnante all-in-one di codifica e dati
Derek Banas has the incredible ability to make any concept covering programming, data science and AI simple. You will find all the information you need to become a better developer. His playlist tutorials are especially comprehensive in teaching you to master new languages and systems.
Kudvenkat – Lessons to become software engineer
Kudvenkat is driven by a belief:that anyone has the right to learn software development with motivation. That’s why he offers his very detailed and clear courses on different types of infrastructure and programming languages. You will find everything you need to grow your coding skills and become a full-fledged developer!
The New Boston – Expert Teachers to Learn All Programming Language
The New Boston is a YouTube channel that collects programming courses from well-known programmers on the platform. It provides you with the best tutorials on many programming languages. Just watch the dedicated playlists, and you will be introduced with great clarity to the basic commands and operation of these systems.
Best Language Teacher
Ronnie – Instructive and Thoughtful English Teacher
Ronnie is the most adorable and educational English teacher on YouTube. With great patience and empathy, she is able to make any non-English speaker understand the basics of English. By watching these videos, you are sure to progress quickly in English, especially if you are a beginner.
Vincent – Learn French Easily
You want to learn the subtleties of the French language without losing your head? Vincent has the ability to teach French with great rigor and finesse. With him, you will know all the essential notions of this difficult language to speed up your learning.
Butterfly Spanish – Impactful Spanish Lessons
With great teacher Butterfy Spanish, you’ll learn all about Spanish grammar and pronunciation. Behind her blackboard, she will train you to speak Spanish by yourself with great vivacity and simplicity. This is the free online course you need to get by in a Spanish-speaking country.
YoYo Chinese – Clear and Stimulating Chinese Classes
With her big smile, YoYo Chinese will teach you the basics of Chinese pronunciation, grammar and conversation. Her lessons are very clear and motivating and will make you learn even more about Chinese. All you have to do is to start!
Best Music Teachers
Music Matters – Extensive and Enjoyable Music Theory Teaching
Want to deepen your understanding of music? Music Matters covers the fundamentals of music theory in a highly educational way. From harmony theory to music composition, you’ll have everything you need to master or create scores.
Marty Music – Easy-to-Begin Guitar Lessons
Marty Schwartz is the coolest guitar teacher you can find on the internet. He’ll give you your first guitar lessons, and you’ll be able to play some great tunes right away. With his many lessons to play acoustic, pop or rock classics, you will also find something to impress your friends.
Andrew Furmanczyk – Lovely and Instructive Piano Teacher
There are few piano teachers as pleasant to listen to as Andrew Furmanczyk. With patience and sympathy, he teaches you to position your fingers correctly on the instrument and to understand your musical scores. There is no better way to start playing the piano at home.
Todd Ehle – Learning the Best Violin Techniques
There are many piano professionals on YouTube, but Tod Ehle will teach you the best techniques to progress quickly. For such a complex instrument, he is able to teach you the right moves to master and make it accessible to everyone. A must-have for all violin lovers.
Adam Neely – Elaborate and Advanced Music Lessons
Want to take your music learning even further? Adam Neely covers more advanced and sophisticated topics in music theory and practice. From song analysis to a more in-depth study of melodic mechanics, he has something for everyone who wants to hone their ear and musical sense.
Best History and Literature Teacher
CrashCourse – Exciting History Lessons
Crash Course is known for its interactive and informative videos on many subjects. But it is on historical topics that the magic of this YouTube channel appears. You won’t find more entertaining content to learn about the major conflicts and upheavals in history.
Exploring History – In-details Political History Explanations
Do you want to go even further in the study of history and socio-political mechanics? Exploring History takes you behind the scenes of the secret strategies that caused the great events of history. You will gain a more accurate and true vision of political and historical movements.
Rebecca Balcarcel – Insightful Literary Analysis
Rebecca Balcarcel is one of the few YouTube girls who have dedicated her channel to the analysis of great works of literature. Whether it’s for your studies or just for curiosity, you’ll understand what made the greatest writers successful and recognized. With it, you are sure to pass your literary essay.
Wireless Philosophy – Fascinating Philosophical Lessons from top professors
Always had a secret passion for philosophy? Wireless Philosophy will awaken it with its detailed descriptions of the ideas and movements of the great philosophers. With animated drawings, you’ll understand everything about ethics, epistemology, metaphysics and more.
Geography Now – Engaging Lessons about Every Country You can Imagine
Want to know more about every country around the world? Geography Now offers in-depth and dynamic presentations on the flag, geography, culture and politics of each country. With their videos, you will know the intricacies of every country in the world!