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105 idee video di YouTube per quando non sai cosa pubblicare

Non sai su cosa realizzare video di YouTube o hai solo bisogno di ispirazione per idee video pratiche?

Abbiamo fatto le basi e compilato un elenco di 105 idee video di YouTube che puoi utilizzare per ottenere risultati dal tuo canale YouTube.

Analizziamole, iniziando da quello che dovrebbe essere il tuo primo video su YouTube!

Le migliori idee video per principianti

Se hai appena iniziato su YouTube, è meglio attenersi alle basi.

Non vuoi andare avanti con molti contenuti educativi o ricchi di informazioni perché questi video continueranno ad andare più in basso nel tuo canale man mano che crei più contenuti. Quindi, è meglio creare video semplici e di alta qualità per riscaldare il tuo pubblico.

Ecco alcune idee.

1. Presentati

Questo è un primo post essenziale e facile per chiunque si chieda quale dovrebbe essere il tuo primo video di YouTube. Realizza un video per presentarti:cosa fai, che tipo di contenuti gli spettatori possono aspettarsi dal tuo canale, come puoi aiutare e quanto spesso pubblichi.

L'idea è quella di creare un caloroso video di benvenuto per il tuo pubblico per dare loro un motivo per iscriversi al tuo canale. Ecco un ottimo esempio di allegro video "Presentati".

2. Organizza una sessione di domande e risposte su Instagram e rispondi alle domande migliori (o alle 3 principali) in un video di YouTube 

Non sei sicuro di che tipo di cose parlare su YouTube ma ti capita di gestire anche una pagina Instagram? Pubblica un adesivo con una domanda sulla tua storia di Instagram intorno alla tua nicchia o a un argomento specifico. Scegli le 3 domande principali e rispondi in un video di YouTube con esempi e scenari per renderlo interattivo. Ecco come ha fatto Grace, che ha ottenuto anche 161.000 visualizzazioni del video.

3. Presenta la tua squadra

Realizza un video divertente e coinvolgente con un'interessante domanda/risposta o un'introduzione all'azione dietro le quinte dei membri del team. Questo aiuterà i tuoi spettatori a relazionarsi con il lato più umano del tuo canale e della tua attività, consentendo loro di connettersi meglio con te . Ecco un breve video di presentazione del team:

4. Giro a casa

Dai al tuo pubblico un'anteprima della tua vita personale con un tour a casa. Puoi girare questo video con una voce fuori campo mentre mostri ogni parte della tua casa, oppure puoi dire a qualcun altro di realizzare il video e puoi accompagnare correttamente il tuo pubblico attraverso un tour virtuale della casa.

5. Tour della tua città

Filmati in giro per la città e copri i tuoi luoghi turistici preferiti, i luoghi meno conosciuti, i caffè carini e le belle strade. Offri al tuo pubblico la possibilità di fare un tour virtuale di com'è mettersi nei tuoi panni e vedere una città che non ha mai visitato prima. Ecco uno straordinario tour notturno della città di Parigi per te.

6. Avvia il vlog

Come scrivere un post sul blog educativo o basato sull'esperienza, puoi anche creare un vlog. Può essere una recensione del prodotto, un giorno nella tua vita o esperienze lavorative ed educare o motivare il pubblico.

7. Video esplicativi

Se hai un prodotto o sai come spiegare complicati argomenti tecnici in modo più semplice, scegli i video esplicativi. Semplificano le cose e dicono agli utenti come utilizzare un prodotto o capire meglio un concetto attraverso presentazioni, lavagne e grafici. Guarda come ha fatto Zendesk.

8. Trailer del canale

Crea un trailer del canale che mostri al tuo pubblico che tipo di contenuti possono aspettarsi da te. Fornisce un'anteprima dei contenuti che gli utenti troveranno sul tuo canale per stuzzicarli a iscriversi o guardare altri video da te. Prendi ispirazione dal trailer del canale di Will Smith qui:

9. Short di YouTube 

Realizza video di 30 secondi di contenuti snackable in un modo facile da digerire e pubblicali sull'ultima funzione di YouTube, Shorts. Funziona in modo simile a TikTok e Instagram Reels ed è un ottimo modo per bagnarti i piedi con video di lunga durata creando prima contenuti di breve durata:

10. Dietro le quinte

Le persone amano vedere i processi, quindi mostra ai tuoi spettatori cosa c'è dietro la realizzazione dei tuoi video, il funzionamento interno della tua attività o la tua vita quotidiana come creatore, genitore, imprenditore o artista. Guarda il video della routine mattutina di questa professionista che dà uno sguardo al di là del suo lavoro dalle 9 alle 17.

11. Cosa c'è sul tuo telefono?

Se sei un mago del telefono, fai scaricare sul tuo telefono un sacco di app meno conosciute di cui i tuoi spettatori possono beneficiare o conosci le impostazioni che ti aiutano a essere più efficiente:fai un video "cosa c'è sul tuo telefono" e spiega alle persone come possono gestire meglio il lavoro, il tempo e il gioco come ha fatto qui Rowena Tsai.

12. Domande e risposte rompighiaccio

Offri al tuo pubblico una panoramica delle tue opinioni e opinioni rispondendo ad alcune domande rompighiaccio in un video:puoi realizzare un video "50 domande rompighiaccio per conoscermi meglio". Questi possono includere domande su cosa fai nel tuo tempo libero, un fatto che pochissime persone conoscono di te, il miglior consiglio che tu abbia mai ricevuto, ecc.

13. Brevi contenuti del tutorial 

Uno dei motivi più comuni per cui le persone vanno su YouTube è che vogliono imparare a fare qualcosa seguendo un video. Questo può essere semplice come "come inserire una tabella nei documenti Google" o elaborato come "come assemblare un letto IKEA".

L'idea è di immergere le dita dei piedi nell'acqua creando video più brevi di 2-3 minuti per diventare bravi nella narrazione prima di iniziare a realizzare video più lunghi.

14. Video delle sfide 

A giorni alterni c'è una sfida che diventa virale sui social media:pensa alla sfida del manichino, alla sfida di moda o a una normale sfida di ballo. Partecipa a queste sfide creando video con un tocco unico per sfruttare queste tendenze.

Idee video dimostrative per contenuti educativi e tutorial

Oltre l'86% degli spettatori statunitensi guarda i video di YouTube per imparare cose nuove. Se hai conoscenza o esperienza su un argomento, puoi creare video educativi su di esso.

Ecco alcune semplici idee video dimostrative che puoi provare in seguito.

15. Video tutorial di dimensioni ridotte con cortometraggi di YouTube

Le persone vogliono sempre sapere il modo più veloce per fare le cose. Quindi, se sei bravo in qualsiasi cosa, che si tratti di tecnologia, stile di vita, trucco, danza, canto, arte o atletica, crea video tutorial di 30 secondi e pubblicali su YouTube Shorts.

16. Collaborazione video con un esperto del settore 

Collabora con un altro esperto del tuo settore e porta più valore al tuo pubblico attraverso conversazioni, discussioni e approfondimenti. Tali video aiutano anche ad aumentare la portata di entrambi i collaboratori e danno al tuo pubblico un motivo per essere incollato al tuo canale.

Guarda questa collaborazione su YouTube che la nostra responsabile dei contenuti, Diana, ha realizzato con Michael Janda, ex proprietario di Riser Agency che ha lavorato con clienti come Disney, Google, NBC e ABC.

17. Video fai da te 

Se stai cercando idee video creative, allora un video fai-da-te è perfetto! Realizza un video che mostri passo dopo passo come creare qualcosa da zero. Questo può essere creare disegni di origami, decorare il tuo ufficio a casa, dipingere vasi di piante a casa, ecc. Sii creativo e mostra alle persone come riutilizzare vecchi oggetti o risparmiare denaro "fai da te" a casa. Ecco un esempio.

18. Video di cucina

Realizza video di cucina a casa con ricette dettagliate della tua cucina locale o di una cucina internazionale di largo consumo. Se sei vegano, segui una dieta cheto o sei un esperto di ricette facili da preparare, i video di cucina fanno al caso tuo.

19. Tutorial sui prodotti 

Se hai un prodotto digitale o fisico, il modo migliore per avere più occhi su di esso, istruire le persone su cosa possono fare con il tuo prodotto, indirizzare le persone al tuo sito Web e accumulare alcune iscrizioni è fornire tutorial sui prodotti. Ecco uno dei nostri video recenti in cui insegniamo ai nostri spettatori come modificare i video dei social media su VEED.

20. Video sulla routine di allenamento

Se sei un fanatico del fitness e spesso crei le tue routine di allenamento, condividile con tutti realizzando tutorial a riguardo. Questa può essere una routine di allenamento per la forza muscolare che i tuoi spettatori possono seguire o un tutorial su come fare gli esercizi nel modo giusto. Ecco come lo fa Chloe Ting.

21. Tieni una lezione 

Sei bravo a suonare uno strumento o a spiegare argomenti complessi di marketing o tecnologia con parole semplici? Condividi la tua esperienza con video basati su lezioni e insegna al tuo pubblico in cosa sei più bravo, il tutto stabilendo credibilità. Ecco come Chris Do insegna argomenti complessi come freelance attraverso un semplice video.

22. Infografica video

Le infografiche istruiscono gli spettatori presentando statistiche e grafici su un particolare argomento in un formato di facile comprensione come questo su YouTube vs TikTok.

23. Presentazione video o webinar

Non c'è niente di più efficace dell'interazione individuale con il tuo pubblico. Conduci webinar in live streaming o usa una presentazione video per discutere un argomento popolare nella tua nicchia. Istruzione + interazione dal vivo è una ricetta per il successo dei video. Ecco un webinar di Neil Patel.

24. Video sulla lavagna

Ricordi l'apprendimento su una lavagna o una lavagna bianca a scuola? È un modo popolare per spiegare argomenti e analogie alla buona vecchia maniera. Quindi, procurati una lavagna e crea una serie di video spiegando un argomento complesso con esempi ed elementi facilmente riconoscibili come questo.

25. Cosa fare e cosa non fare

Crea un video che dica alle persone cosa fare e cosa non fare riguardo a una cosa in particolare. Può trattarsi di un primo appuntamento o durante un viaggio verso una destinazione specifica. Qualunque sia la tua nicchia, scegli un argomento dibattuto frequentemente e crea un video su cosa fare e cosa non fare.

26. Domande e risposte 

Scegli un commento di domanda da uno dei tuoi precedenti video di YouTube come fa Vanessa Lau o incoraggia gli spettatori a pubblicare le loro domande nei commenti verso la fine di ogni video.

Queste domande costituiscono un ottimo argomento e c'è la possibilità che se uno spettatore ha questa domanda, anche centinaia di altri potrebbero volerlo sapere, quindi è vantaggioso per tutti.

27. Sfatare i miti 

Sfata le idee sbagliate del settore realizzando un video su ciò che le persone presumono rispetto a ciò che è realmente, con grafici, statistiche e analogie o esempi per facilitare la comprensione, come questo video.

28. Riepilogo settimanale o mensile delle tendenze dei social media

Tutti vogliono essere al top delle tendenze dei social media, che si tratti di una sfida di ballo su Instagram Reels o di un popolare formato di tweet su Twitter seguito da tutti. Crea un video di riepilogo delle tendenze settimanalmente o mensilmente combinando tutte le tendenze insieme per dare ai tuoi spettatori un'idea di ciò che è di tendenza:

29. Tutorial di danza TikTok

TikTok ha oltre un miliardo di utenti mensili e il numero è in costante crescita. Le sfide di ballo di TikTok sono una ricetta per diventare virali e divertirsi introducendo il tuo tocco unico. Se ti piace ballare e divertirti a scorrere TikTok, rendi queste sfide più facili per i tuoi spettatori con i tutorial. Ecco un ottimo esempio.

30. Procedure per diverse piattaforme di social media 

I social media sono un labirinto per tutti:imprenditori, aziende, creatori e persino operatori di marketing perché sono in continua evoluzione. Quindi, se sei bravo nella ricerca e ti piacciono le piattaforme di social media, crea video dimostrativi come utilizzare i reel di Instagram per la tua attività o come trovare musica di tendenza su TikTok.

31. Video su culture diverse

Se sei interessato alla cultura globale, realizza video su quella che ti incuriosisce di più. Puoi parlare di origine culturale, tradizioni, pratiche, fatti sorprendenti, miti, ecc., per diventare un'enciclopedia culturale per i tuoi spettatori. Guarda questo interessante video sulle differenze culturali.

32. Insegna una lingua

Se sei bravo in una lingua, che sia l'inglese o la tua lingua nativa, realizza tutorial video sull'uso della lingua, gli accenti, ecc. Saresti sorpreso di quante persone vogliono imparare o migliorare possibilmente in ogni lingua a cui riesci a pensare !

33. Video sulla storia

Conosci fin troppo bene il tuo paese, la tua cultura, la tua lingua o la storia di un particolare marchio? Realizza video sull'argomento e offri ai tuoi spettatori lezioni di storia con date e presentazioni visive. Ecco un video sulla storia della lingua francese.

34. Video di psicologia

Hai già studiato psicologia o ne sei uno studente e vuoi diffondere consapevolezza a riguardo? You can make videos on the psychology behind love, marketing, or making money like this very popular video based on the book “Psychology of Money”.

35. Philosophy videos

If you often find yourself in the middle of debates about the purpose of our existence and why we live a certain way and want to start a conversation around the same—make philosophy videos.  You can pick up a topic like existentialism and make videos on sub-topics or invite philosophy experts to talk about a subject and provide more insight to your audience.

36. Science videos

Talk about scientific experiments gone wrong, or the myths about scientific concepts. If you like experimenting, make videos of different tests with magnets, soda, mint, etc.—you can even start a series on “Science Experiments 101,” and make videos like this:

37. Math tutorials

Not everyone can understand math in school. And if you’re good at it, put it to use and talk about complex math problems to give simple solutions. You can also come up with innovative techniques to solve common math problems and help out students like this crazy video here.

38. Life skills

Create knowledge lessons on effective communication like Jay Shetty does here or making decisions in complex life situations like Mel Robbins here. Everyone needs these essential skills like communication, decision-making, critical thinking, empathy, and stress coping, irrespective of age.

39. Productivity hacks

Make videos on how to be more productive like Robin Sharma or share your best tools for productivity. There’s no better skill than knowing how to do something in less time, and making the most out of the 24 hours we have in a day.

40. Explain how certain tools work

Not everyone is familiar with the inner workings of a tool and how to squeeze efficiency to make your work simpler. If you know a tool like spreadsheets, Google docs, or Slack inside and out, make videos and tell people how to use it in the best way to maximize their output like this video here:

41. Video gaming walkthrough video 

Are you a pro at a specific game like Valorant or Call of Duty? Create a walkthrough video, and show other gamers how to beat the final boss in the game or win that tricky level they’re stuck at like this video here.

Review Video Ideas

Reviews save people time and money, so they’re one of the most popular YouTube videos—be it for gadgets, beauty products, clothing brands, games, or even movies. Creating reviews requires some comparative and technical knowledge about the industry so you can give a complete examination and let the audience decide if it’s worth their time and money.

42. Tech reviews

Do you have a thing about Apple products? Create a review video where you go into detail about the latest Apple product and talk about camera specifications with demonstration, storage, navigation, functionality, and pros and cons. You can do tech reviews with laptops, mobile phones, headphones, smartwatches, ovens, and any tech gadget out there.

43. Beauty product reviews

Create videos comparing beauty products or give a full review of the latest product by a brand and tell people the pros and cons about it, which skin type it’s best for, and for which occasion. This video by influencer Ayesha Harun is a wonderful example.

44. Course Content Reviews

If you’ve taken any courses or are generally interested in the education sector, review course content on your YouTube channelThink of the questions you had about the course before signing up. Or look at what other people are asking and answer the most popular questions in your review.

45. Music Reviews

Review the latest songs and their music videos on your YouTube channel. You can break the song down and explain to people what it means, how it’s shot, and the meaning behind it like this video here. To make it even more interesting, you can review classics and take your viewers on a musical journey, but with critical reviews.

46. Game Reviews

Gaming is a fast-booming industry, given the number of games released every year.

If you often find yourself reading about or buying a lot of games, it’s a good idea to start doing game reviews and talk about the game's technicalities, the levels, strategies, and good and bad things about it.

47. Food Reviews

Visit a restaurant, order some exciting food and do a review about it.

People always seek the best places to have food in their city, country, or abroad when they’re traveling—so food review is an excellent topic. People also love finding hidden gems to avoid tourist traps or just to spice things up as a local.

48. Toy Reviews 

Make toy review videos if your kid is passionate about toys and always has the craziest reactions unboxing them. Show unique toys, how they work, what’s so special about them, and why parents should buy them for their kids. It’s also crazy how kids have built massive audiences unboxing and reviewing toys. In fact, a YouTube channel called Kids Diana Show is the 6th most watched channel of all time as of August 2021. 

49. Celebrity Looks

Galas and events are the epicenters of the most fashionable trends of the year. Make review videos about celebrity makeup, clothes accessories, and you’ll have a lot of people intrigued by them. Watch this Met Gala review video.

50. Netflix Show Reviews

The pandemic made Netflix everyone’s best friend, but the number of shows is overwhelming. Here’s where your Netflix review videos can help.

Review a movie or a new TV show in your YouTube video and talk about the plot, characters, good things, and frustration points—without revealing spoilers. Here’s a review video on the recent Netflix release, Squid Game.

51. Sports Highlights with Review/Commentary

Are you a fan of football or any other sport you regularly watch? Create sports review or highlight videos about that one crazy goal during an important match or the fight between two team players. You can even do a live review video like this.

52. Movie Reviews

The world doesn’t revolve around OTT—what about good old Hollywood movies?

Review classic, teen, horror, evergreen, or thriller movies, among other genres, and tell people why and why not they should consider watching the movie. Take this movie review video as an example.

53. Fashion Brand Reviews

Many things happen in fashion brands than what meets the eye, and if you’re a good researcher, you can create brand review videos giving an overview about a brand like Zara and if and why one should buy from them.

54. ‘TikTok Made Me Buy It’ Product Reviews 

Buy popular or viral items used in TikTok videos and create a TikTok Made Me Buy It review video. Talk about what you ordered, what you got and what’s your verdict on buying the trending item.

55. What's In The News?

Not everyone watches what’s in the news every day, but you can summarize it together in a video and tell them what’s happening in the world and what you think about it. This can be a generic news round-up or niche-specific like celebrity and entertainment, sports, finance, etc. Here’s an example.

56. This VS That Product Reviews 

Compare two tech gadgets together, or talk about two same makeup products but from different brands. Buying something is not just about investing in it, but investing in the best product according to the consumer’s budget. So, comparison product reviews like this work well.

Funny (and Entertaining) YouTube Video Ideas

Fun videos are the staple diet of YouTube users as they’re light, entertaining, and offer an escape from the daily happenings. Pro tip–look up trending topics on YouTube to get some ideas or try one of our ideas below!

57. Underrated or Overrated 

This is a popular video series by Gary Vee, also an excellent idea for creating fun content. Do you often come across things some people think are overrated, while others feel are underrated? For example, the show F.R.I.E.N.D.S or McDonalds. You can create a video series debating about niche-specific things and if they’re underrated or overrated. This will also start a conversation with the audience and encourage them to comment on your video.

58. This or That 

Interview an expert in your field or a friend, and talk about general life scenarios with this or that version. For example, would you rather be rich and sad or happy and broke? Ask such questions and have a small discussion around it. Take inspiration from this “Would you rather” snippet between Ellen and Jennifer Lopez.

59. Pranks 

Prank videos are the holy grail of entertainment and get people laughing. But steer clear from the mean pranks where people get hurt.

60. Comedy Skits

If standup is your thing, and you’re generally the person who cracks many jokes or people around you are always laughing, make comedy skits like Lily Singh does.

61. Cute baby animal videos

Baby animal videos make people go “aww,” so if you have an adorable little pet, make funny or cute videos of them like this one here. Here’s a compilation for your dose of cuteness.

62. Funniest news bloopers

Everyone messes up, right? Reporters are only human, and if you’ve ever recorded videos you know that you don’t give a perfect one-take every time. Scrounge through newsreels, find funny bloopers and make a compilation video like this—while ensuring the compilation isn’t mean or hurtful to anybody.

63. Parody Videos

Liked a music video or an interview snippet of a celebrity? Turn it into a funny video by enacting the footage and make humor a part of your channel. Anyone remember “Weird Al” Yankovic? He’s the king of parody videos.

64. Guess What This Is?

Gather a bunch of friends and make a video trying to sense a food item by just smelling it or by shutting your eyes and nose shut to taste it. This will be weird yet fun for you to do and the viewers to watch. Look at this Pringles Tasting video.

65. Cute and funny baby videos

If you’re a parent, shoot cute videos of your kid and create a compilation like this. This can be a video of every time they threw a tantrum, or when they started laughing for no reason or did something very funny.

66. React to trending videos 

React to a unique video with funny or shocking expressions or gestures as you see it in real-time like this mom reaction video.

You can ask your audience to comment video recommendations for you to watch, and that you’ll record your reaction for videos with the maximum comment upvotes. This will enhance your engagement and retain the audience as they’ll wait for you to post the next reaction video.

67. Crowdsource ideas from your audience and then build the video content 

Ask your audience what topics they want you to create videos on, collect the suggestions from the comments and start making the context. It’s a great way to get an idea of what the audience wants to see and is much better than hit-and-trial. You can also do a compilation video answering all comments like in this video.

68. Try-on haul 

Just received your package from Zara where you got a lot of clothes? Or came back from a trip in another city and shopped a lot? Show off your clothing, and accessories to create a spectacular video. Brownie points if you can make it theme-based with music, background and filters. Look at this haul video.

Listicle (Top X) Type of Content

Listicles are listed content in video format and offer a quick way to share information with your audience, and often have higher retention rates. The crisper it is, the better. Let’s look at some ideas:

69. Favorite Apps

Have a list of apps you use daily? Make a video on the top 10 apps you use daily to run your YouTube channel. You can do the same for apps entrepreneurs or students should use, or apps for specific activities like editing your videos or managing your work.

70. Favorite TikTok Videos

Make a compilation video of a few of your favorite TikToks every week. People like to see what’s trending for inspiration, and to make something like that for their own channel. Look at this TikTok compilation video, for example, with over 18 million views:

71. Best Restaurants

Do you go out to eat a lot, or travel often? Make cuisine-wise or region-wise lists of the best restaurants to visit with videos, images, reviews, etc., to make it this one here.

72. Best Cities to Live In

Create a video on the best cities to live in your country—as a couple, student, or a family with elderly parents. You can also make one based on cities where health costs are lower, the crime rate is less, or education is comparatively cheaper. Talk about the cities, their relation to your core topic, and what’s unique about them.

73. Best Countries to Live In

Like the best cities, you can also make a listicle video on the best countries to live in, based on different factors like family size, amenities, preferences, scenic views, etc. Here’s a stunning example of the 10 happiest countries in the world to live in.

74. Favorite Movies

Are you a binge-watcher? Put that skill into use, and create a video on your favorite movies in different genres or specific occasions. For example, top feel-good movies or best of family movies to watch in 2021.

75. Favorite Books

If you’re someone who reads a lot, be it fiction, non-fiction, or any language at all—start creating videos about the books you read and would recommend. This video on the books you should read in your 20s is a great example.

76. Best Youtube Videos

Do you use YouTube a lot for learning? Make a video on your top recommendations for the best YouTube videos your audience should watch for a specific topic, like marketing, startups, psychology, art, makeup etc. 

77. Most Viewed Youtube Videos

People want to know which videos are performing best on YouTube—either because they want to replicate those metrics or because they’re intrigued to spend their time only watching the best. So, create a listicle on the most viewed YouTube videos on marketing, fashion styling, or video editing—any topic related to your channel.

78. Most liked YouTube videos

Just like most viewed, making a listicle video of the most liked YouTube videos would also serve the same purpose. People want to watch what others are watching, so give it to them.

79. Most Epic Fails

Failure is a part of life. But it can be funny and entertaining at the same time, right?

"Most epic fails" is an evergreen video format on most social media platforms, including YouTube. Make a video on the most epic fails in science, marketing, technology, or simply funny attempt videos doing things in daily life.

80. Video Games

Top video games kids can play or someone who’s a fan of Valorant will like to play—are great ideas for video game listicles. You can also create a monthly roundup, like the top video games released in October 2021.

YouTube Video Ideas For Kids

YouTube Kids is a separate segment of the platform, where only censored content is shown, and kids can watch freely. If you’re interested in making kid-friendly videos by yourself or with your kids, here are some great ideas:

81. Unboxing toys

Unboxing videos are a delight for people—adults or kids. Make a video of your kid unboxing a toy by focusing on the contents, how the toy works, and your kid’s reaction to the same.

82. Slime videos

Kids playing with slime is gooey, but it’s also fun and interesting for child viewers. Buy slimes of different colors, set an interactive background and let your kid play with the slime while you make a video. They can also do tricks with the slime to make the video more intriguing. Look at this slime video with over 89 million views:

83. Educational Games

YouTube is a form of learning for many kids. So, you can ideate and make videos of educational games for children like a unique way of remembering numbers, colors, alphabets, homophones etc,. You can also make them into a song and encourage viewers to sing along.

84. Cooking for Kids

Make videos cooking simple meals for kids, decorating and plating them beautifully, or creating a healthy yet delicious snack in minutes. If you have a kid who likes helping out in the kitchen, let them make some fire-less food like Kobe here.

85. Painting tutorials

Shoot a video doing simple painting—easy strokes, using water paints properly, or finger painting. These make for fun, and educational videos, especially if you feature your kid in them.

86. Recreate a trending dance 

There’s nothing cuter than kids dancing, especially on trending songs. Make a video of your kid dancing to family-friendly trending songs from TikTok and post it on YouTube. Not only is this cute, but also heartwarming and interesting for the child viewers too.

87. Magic tricks for kids

You see it in front of you, but suddenly it disappears. Where did it go?

Magic tricks are fun as they have an element of surprise and wonder. Make videos showing magic or teaching kids how to do it like this video so they keep coming back for more videos.

88. Karaoke for kids

Sing-along videos of popular kids' songs or rhymes are a great video idea to get repeat views and more subscribers to your channel. Create an animated video of a rhyme with lyrics, so kids can do karaoke.

89. Vlogging kid-friendly activities (going to the zoo)

Going to the zoo or an amusement park with your kids? Make a video vlogging your experience and giving details about your visit, what you did, and what you saw.

90. Pranking Mom and Dad

Does your kid often play harmless, funny pranks on you? Record a video of them doing it the next time, or if they’re a bit older, teach them how to record themselves and start a prank series on your YT channel. Here’s a funny video:

91. Acts of Kindness 

Kindness goes a long way, and kids do what they see. Create videos of your kids or doing nice things for other people like donating food and clothing to the homeless to encourage such behavior in viewers too.

92. DIY home activities 

Teach children how to fill water balloons at home, play chalk games with friends or create a fort with cardboard boxes . These Do-It-Yourself activities will encourage movement and creativity.

Other Popular YouTube Video Ideas

Apart from the categories mentioned above, there are many videos you can make that don’t fall in any specific category but invite engagement and views. Let’s look at a few of such popular video ideas for your next YouTube video:

93. Reaction videos

React to another video or an event and show an unaltered version of your reaction. You can also make a video for what celebrities and influencers wore on occasions like the Met Gala and encourage viewers to leave their reactions in the comments. Here’s a video reacting to science experiment fails:

94. Couple videos 

If you and your partner like showing up on camera, YouTube is your place to be—record your daily life, talk about your relationship, or vlog your daily routine like Jay and Radhi here.

95. Family-oriented videos 

Think Keeping Up With The Kardashians but on a YouTube channel. Shoot family vlogs where everyone talks about one aspect of their life daily. This can be your morning routine as a family, the diet everyone follows, their opinions about social media, their most cherished family memory, etc.

96. Live streams

YouTube live streaming is a wonderful way to interact with your audience, and show a more unfiltered and human version of yourself. You can simply talk about a popular topic, answer questions in the comments, play an instrument stream yourself while playing a video game.

97. Response videos

Like or completely disagree with another YouTube video? Create a response video and talk about your opinions and thoughts around the same. It doesn’t have to be hurtful, but if you strongly feel about something, creating a response video is a great idea and can help you ride on the original video’s reach and gain more visibility.

98. Recap videos

People love revisiting things. You can make a recap video of a series of movies like the most iconic scenes from Game of Thrones or a recap of your favorite trip a few years back.

99. Contests

Challenge your viewers in a contest with an exciting prize like a gift hamper or a 1:1 video call. This can be a fitness contest, makeup contest, or dance contest, among other things. Such contests also drive engagement as they practically generate User-Generated Content (UGC) for you. Here’s the challenge Chloe Ting gave her viewers who also made videos about theri experience and results.

100. Opinion Videos

Have an opinion about a recent political decision or the latest trend in your industry? Make an opinion video, and talk freely about what you think. Make it interesting by using a whiteboard or graphic elements to explain to your audience better.

101. Promotional

Not always, but sometimes you can also promote your products or services by talking about what you offer and how you can help your audience. If you regularly partner with brands, you can also promote their products to your audience and earn an affiliate income. While it may not be appreciated frequently, promotional videos do work well if you post in intervals.

102. Compilation Videos 

Create compilation videos of the best of TikTok videos or the best of old-school tracks. Such videos bring everything in one place and give the viewer a reason to save your video or come back for more.

103. Try not to laugh challenges

Watch hilarious videos, or ask your friends to act weird and funny—try not to laugh, and record this experience. You can also make a video like this where you tell people to make you laugh, and if they do then they win money. This will be both funny and interactive!

104. Experimental Videos 

Experiment with products and put them under extreme conditions like too hot, cold, moisture-based, or humid to see how they turn out. Ecco un esempio.

105. New products and updates in tech 

Everyone wants to get their hands on the new cool tech in town. Make a tech update video telling them what’s new in the tech world weekly or monthly by showing what it is, why it’s cool and what all they can do with the product.

Domande frequenti

What should your first YouTube video be?

Your first YouTube video should be an introduction video to present yourself to your audience. You can also use this as a channel trailer to welcome new subscribers.

How do you come up with YouTube video ideas?

The best place to start is taking some time to understand your target audience and what they need help solving. Other places you can go are:

  • Look at what course creators are teaching in your space
  • Observe what competitors talk about
  • Online communities and forums
  • Comments sections
  • Run a poll or survey
  • YouTube search

What are the most popular YouTube channel ideas?

  • Comedy Channels
  • Photography and Videography Channels
  • Educational Channels
  • Gaming Channels
  • Makeup Channels
  • Experiment Channels
  • Toy Reviews Channels
  • Vlogging Channels
  • Tech Channels
  • Fitness Channels
  • Political Satire/News Channels

How do YouTube videos go viral?

Our YouTube channel drives over 40,000-50,000 new website visitors and 175+ conversions every month with just 31,000 subscribers. From VEED's own experience of growing a successful channel, it's a combination of factors such as:

  • Finding the right keywords (topics) to create videos about
  • Using analytics from YouTube studio and Google to find clues for what makes a video successful
  • Producing high quality content always that does the best job at solving a problem
  • Finding and understanding who your target audience is plus what they need from your content

Now that you have YouTube video ideas to draw inspiration from, you can use this guide to create your next video!

Oh and before we forget, there’s one more thing that can get people hooked to your content and that’s video editing .

Use an intuitive and easy-to-use online video editor like VEED to edit your videos. You can resize your videos, add captions, music, or text and collaborate with your team for faster approvals and discussions.

Read and watch more YouTube guides below to help you master YouTube!

  • The Best YouTube Video Formats in 2021 (Ultimate Guide)
  • 13 Best Video Editing Software for YouTube:The No-Nonsense Guide To Help You Find The Best Tool For You.
  • YouTube Banner Size [Best Practices for 2021]
  • How to edit a YouTube video for Beginners
  • How to Add Subtitles to a YouTube Video

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