Stai cercando di trovare un modo per aggirare il limite dei video di Twitter? Hai mai caricato un video di alta qualità su Twitter solo per finire con una qualità a livello di Minecraft? 🤣
Bene, ti insegneremo come farlo e altro ancora.
In VEED, in quanto piattaforma di editing video facile da usare con una fiorente comunità di creatori di contenuti, ci impegniamo a fare in modo che i tuoi video su Twitter siano i migliori che possono essere. Diamine, abbiamo persino pubblicato la guida definitiva alla pubblicazione di video su Instagram!
Oggi imparerai:
- Tutto sull'attuale limite di video di Twitter.
- Dimensioni massime dei file di Twitter per i video.
- Come pubblicare video più lunghi di 140 secondi su Twitter.
- Quali formati video sono supportati da Twitter.
- Le dimensioni video e la frequenza dei fotogrammi ideali per un video di Twitter.
- Come pubblicare video HD su Twitter.
- Come scegliere una miniatura per il tuo video su Twitter.
È ora di portare la creazione (e la pubblicazione) di contenuti video su Twitter al livello successivo. 📈
Qual è il limite attuale dei video di Twitter?
Può essere un vero peccato trovare il tuo video tagliato o ridimensionato automaticamente da Twitter. Ecco alcuni suggerimenti da ricordare sulle dimensioni dei video, sui frame rate e sui formati di Twitter che sono estremamente utili.
Risoluzione minima: 32 x 32
Risoluzione massima: 1920 x 1200 (orizzontale) e 1200 x 1900 (verticale)
Sebbene le risoluzioni massime siano molto più elevate, la risoluzione e le proporzioni consigliate sono sorprendentemente diverse.
Twitter e altre app di social media hanno dimensioni video specifiche che funzionano meglio sulle loro piattaforme. Mentre può essere una seccatura modificarlo e ridimensionarlo da soli, puoi ridimensionare facilmente il tuo video con il ridimensionatore video VEED. VEED dispone anche di un creatore ed editor di video per social media dedicato.
Frequenza fotogrammi massima: 60 fotogrammi al secondo (FPS)
Ti consigliamo di caricare video ovunque tra 30 e 60 FPS . Qualsiasi cosa più bassa sembrerà troppo instabile. Detto questo, 24 FPS è un buon frame rate se stai filmando scene di combattimento.
Formati di file supportati: MP4 (il migliore) e MOV (il secondo migliore)
C'è una differenza tra MP4 e MOV e anche diversi modi per esportare in MP4. Di seguito abbiamo dedicato un'intera sezione ai formati di file supportati da Twitter, inclusi i formati di file per l'audio di Twitter .
Lunghezza massima dei video di Twitter: 140 secondi / 2 minuti e 20 secondi
Anche se questo è già abbastanza lungo, puoi comunque caricare oltre la lunghezza massima del video di Twitter attraverso un piccolo trucco. Ne parleremo di più di seguito. In genere, la durata video consigliata per Twitter è compresa tra da 20 a 45 secondi per il miglior coinvolgimento video.
Mentre un video più lungo potrebbe sembrare più allettante, c'è una minore possibilità che i tuoi spettatori lo finiscano fino alla fine.
Qual è la dimensione massima del file per i video di Twitter?
La dimensione massima del file per i video di Twitter è 512 MB .
Potrebbe sembrare piccolo rispetto alle dimensioni della maggior parte dei video di alta qualità in questi giorni, ma è abbastanza buono da adattarsi alle risoluzioni consigliate che abbiamo scritto sopra. Se stai ancora lottando con un file di grandi dimensioni, puoi sempre comprimere il tuo video in una dimensione più piccola!
Come faccio a pubblicare video più lunghi di 140 secondi su Twitter?
“What if I want to post a video that’s longer than 2 minutes?”
Well, you can! There are two ways to easily do this:
- You can upload your video on YouTube and then tweet the link to your video.
- By signing up for a Twitter ad account.
If you upload your video on YouTube and then post the link on Twitter, a playable preview of it will show on your follower’s screens. Depending on the version of Twitter, it will either play on Twitter or just redirect your follower to the YouTube app. For browser users, though, the YouTube video plays just fine without any issues.
However, the better long-term and effective solution would be to just sign up for a Twitter ad account. Although you’ll be asked to input your bank details, this entire process and your future videos won’t cost a dime! You’ll be able to upload videos up to 10 minutes long for free with this method.
Simply go to to get started. You’ll first have to log into your Twitter account. After that, go through the onboarding process on the campaign creation page. You’ll be asked for your country and time zone, so fill that in to proceed.

When you’re done with that, click on your name at the top-right corner of your screen. That’ll open a menu where you should go and click Add new payment method .

You’ll be asked for your billing information and credit card details, but don’t worry. You won’t be spending anything . This is just to unlock the Twitter ad account feature.

When you’re done adding in your credit card details, you should see a new line of menus at the top-left corner of your screen. Go ahead and click on Creatives and then select Videos . Here, you can upload up to 10 minutes of video footage to Twitter for free. You don’t have to use your account for advertising at all just to post these long videos.
What Video Formats Does Twitter Support?
Twitter’s video format requirements only allow MP4 and MOV video files .
That being said, MP4 is a better version and will suffer less stuttering and have better video quality. You can upload MP4 and MOV files from your mobile app with ease, but the desktop app gives you the added option to specifically upload MP4 with AAC audio and H264 format.
Now, what if your video is in a different format? Not a problem.
You can easily convert your video through VEED’s video editor.
Cheat Sheet:Twitters Ideal Video Dimensions and Frame Rates
Although Twitter supports 1080p resolution, the ideal video dimensions and frame rates actually differ. Here’s a useful table that you can use as a cheat sheet, along with other facts below. Take a screenshot and save it forever!
Video Format | Minimum (pixels) | Maximum (pixels) |
Landscape | 320x180 | 1280x720 |
Portrait | 180x320 | 720x1280 |
Square | 240x240 | 720x720 |
The recommended and ideal resolutions aren’t the highest possible because these resolutions for landscape and portrait will not have any black bars at the sides or top and bottom of the screen.
Maximum possible resolutions | 1920x1200 (landscape) and 1200x1900 (portrait) |
Twitter video limit size | 512 MB |
Recommended FPS (frames per second) | 240x240 |
File Format | MP4 |
File Codec | H264 |
Video Bitrate | 2048K for maximum and 256K for minimum |
Audio Bitrate | 128K for maximum and 64K for minimum |
How to Retain the Quality of Your Twitter Videos
The best way to retain the quality of your Twitter videos is to export them at the recommended video bitrate settings. You can do this through a video editor like VEED. Simply upload your video, add all the necessary edits, and then export it at the best video bitrate and resolution for the orientation of your video.
VEED has a built-in template that you can use, which was designed specifically for Twitter videos. That makes the exporting process much easier on your end, together with a high-quality video for your tweet.
How to Upload Videos on Twitter
You can upload your videos on Twitter in two ways. If you’re using a normal account, you can simply upload your video through conventional means. Here’s how you can do that.
For mobile users:
- Open your Twitter application and then hit the tweet button to share a new tweet.
- Click on the gallery icon and then find the video that you want to upload. Tap on the video to start uploading.
- Prepare your tweet and caption. Don’t forget to add hashtags if you’re trying to gain traffic! Hashtags are a powerful way to make your videos more discoverable outside of your own followers.
- Once the video has been uploaded, simply send the tweet to Twitter’s servers, and your video will be posted.
For PC users:
- Open the Twitter website and then either press N to make a new tweet or just click on the tweet interface.
- You can either drag your video file from a folder to your new tweet or click the Gallery icon to upload your photo through the File Explorer on your computer.
- Finally, make your caption and then wait for the video to finish uploading. Simply click on Tweet to publish your video!
Keep note that these two steps can only publish 2-minute and 20-second videos. If you want to use the Twitter ad account perk and publish a 10-minute video, here’s how you can do that.
How to Publish a 10-minute video on Twitter
- Simply open the website on your browser and log into your account.
- On the dashboard, you should see the Creatives tab at the top-left corner of your screen. Click on that and select Videos .
- Drag your 10-minute video there and get it ready for uploading.
- Prepare your caption and tweet the video when you’re ready!
Again, you don’t have to spend a dime to use the 10-minute perk that you get from activating your Twitter ad account. All it needs is your bank details, and that’s it!
How to Pick a Thumbnail for Your Video
By default, you can’t pick a thumbnail for your Twitter video. Twitter doesn’t give you that option right off the bat. However, you can change the thumbnail of your video once you’ve published it. The great thing about this is that you can also upload an image for your thumbnail as well.
Here’s how you can pick a thumbnail for your Twitter video.
- Go to your Twitter studio and log into your account. Here, you can see every type of media that you’ve posted and published on Twitter.
- At the top-left corner of your screen, click on the All Media button to open up a drop-down menu. Select Videos , so you can easily find the video you just posted.
- Click on the video whose thumbnail you want to change.
- Look for and click the Change thumbnail button near the title of your video.
- Finally, look for the frame from the video that you want to use as the thumbnail or simply upload an image for your thumbnail.
- Save your changes and voila! Your video now has a new thumbnail.
Congratulations on being a complete and successful Twitter wizard! Now it’s time for you to also be your own support team. In case you ever run into issues about uploading videos, here are some tips that you can use to bypass that problem.
Can’t Upload Video to Twitter? Here’s How You Can Fix That.
There are four basic reasons as to why you’re having trouble with uploading to Twitter.
- Wrong video format. Your video is probably encoded and stored in the wrong format. Twitter only accepts MP4 and MOV files, with MP4 being the better and higher quality format. You can easily convert your Twitter videos to the VEED video editor, where you can also download them in a Twitter preset that’s designed to export your video in the ideal Twitter settings.
- Too large. Unfortunately, Twitter isn’t the best social media application for 4K HD videos. Twitter has a maximum video limit size of 512 MB. Anything more than that and you’ll get an error message about your file being too large.
- Video too long. Mistakenly uploading a long video is also a common problem. By default, you can only upload videos up to 140 seconds long, or 2 minutes and 20 seconds. You can bypass this by setting up a Twitter ad account for free. You only need to provide your bank card details. Don’t worry, you won’t be charged at all for this unless you deliberately create an ad for your video. That’ll bump up your upload limit to 10 minutes.
- Slow internet connection. A slow internet connection can also result in being unable to upload to Twitter. Uploading online, especially through a browser, can be a fragile process. If your internet connection is either slow or choppy, you could risk losing all your progress and being unable to upload your video.
Bypassed Twitter’s Limit? Keep On Creating Great Videos At A Fast Rate!
In this blog post, we’ve given you the cheat sheet to bypass Twitter’s video limit and tips on how to retain the high quality of your videos after uploading them to Twitter.
Want to save time editing great videos to engage with your Twitter audience? Try out VEED’s intuitive and easy-to-use video editor. You can include text to your video, merge video, trim video and split your videos, add an audiogram, and so on.
If you’ve managed to upload your videos to Twitter without any problems with our help, feel free to tag us at @veedstudio on Twitter. We’d love to see ‘em!